Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Last Week Before Break!

Yayyyyyyyyyyyy!!! Well, for the students at least, not for me. I still have 5 more weeks in the language program. The language program runs on a different schedule from the school itself, so we have a shorter break by about a month. I'm ok with this, it will keep me busy. I'll be living in the dorm anyway so my life won't be much different except starting this week I won't have any obligations starting from 5pm-bedtime.

Another milestone in my journey here, I just passed the 3 month mark of me being here. I can honestly say that I'm enjoying myself just as much as when I got here. As I said in a previous post things have started to fall into rhythm, but that's fine I'm enjoying everything. I wake up and have breakfast, go to class, come back to the dorm and drop off my books, go to the gym, come back to the dorm and grab a shower and usually a quick nap, then dinner, and off to class with the K-PACE students and back to the dorm to hang out until bed.

The next milestone is in my Korean classes. We are finally starting the level 2 book tomorrow. I didn't think 3 months ago that I would know what I do now, but who really does when they start a journey like this? They said we are going to progress through it rather slowly so I'm interested to see what kind of challenge it poses. We also have a midterm at the end of the week. I have to write and memorize a transcript for the speaking portion. I posted what I wrote and said last time, this time looks to be a bit more difficult.

BTW - I want to throw in a little plug for my dad. He has bought the domain http://praisegodradio.com/ and has been running that for awhile, and he has also started putting out videos on YouTube. Here's a link to his first video, with more to come on that page! Check it out if you have a few minutes.

So, I found out today that my suspicions were confirmed with this G12 summit. I asked a friend here to look into it because I wasn't sure what it is. Turns out it's considered a cult here in Korea. They believe that Jesus was not the last prophet, and that some of their church members are prophets sent from God after Jesus with direct revelation from God himself.

Now this in itself isn't all that bad. I believe that there are prophets of a sort still sent after Jesus. However, the important thing to consider here is that the canon is closed. The Bible has been written. There are no additions to make. That's where things can get fishy. A lot of people want to say that God is still giving his revelation, and will make commentary on current society to give us direction.

This is where people get caught up in their sin. They may have started out with a relationship with God. Then as they saw the power it brought them to make declarations, they slowly because to fall in love with the notoriety it brings. This is a scary thing to have happen, because it gives birth to movements like this that involve many many actual believers. This is why it's important to always be testing spirits to see if they are from God, and to educate yourself with the word. Are these things in line with what God has said in the Bible? If not, then there's a good chance you're being led astray.

Seek God first. Depend on Him. Make Him your rock and trust Him. He will guide you. Forget about the treasure of this world, it all fades. Pray that you can learn to trust Him and grow closer to Him everyday.

I'm not 100% sure why I was sent here. I just know that it was God's will, and I'm living it. Likely, one of my missions is to help this church realize what G12 really is. I think I have the ear of the pastor, and I hope to get a chance to speak with him about G12. Pray that I will be filled with the Holy Spirit so that He will speak through me when I get the chance.

Either way, now all of you know about G12. I'm debating whether or not I'm still going to the summit or not. I think being armed with this new knowledge will help me go and open the eyes of some of our fellow church goers as we are living it. At least I pray this is the case. We will see what God's will is.

That's all for this post! Thanks for reading! Let me know if you have any comments or questions! Take care guys, and I'll post again soon!

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