Friday, March 31, 2017

The Disappearance of the Boy From Vietnam

Today honestly didn't have a whole lot of adventure about it. One thing did happen. They moved the Vietnamese boy out of our class before it started. I'm going to guess that he was progressing faster than us and they put him back in the regular course. Either that or they sent him to North Korea. Anyways, he gone! I'll miss him, he was a nice kid.

There was a Korean teacher trainee watching us for the first 2 hours today. He came up and introduced himself in Korean, then went and sat down. We continued on our review, and then went into crazy mode again. We ended the last 20 minutes of class going over past tense 과거 (Gwa Guh) verbs. Yeah, you read that right. 20 minutes. Here's how to conjugate verbs. Go enjoy your weekend of studying til you die. Love it.

I'm not mad, I'm actually really excited to learn more. I would even be a bit upset that I don't have the time to study as much as I could because I'll be working, but honestly I probably wouldn't put the time in that Hwa E put in. I like to learn by just soaking things up. That's what I've been doing so far, and I'm enjoying myself much more than stressing about every little thing we have learned.

I skipped lunch today, I wasn't hungry. I know I know, I gotta feed this big body. Honestly though, its hard to tell when I'm hungry anymore. That may seem like a silly thing to say, but most of the time I just feel like "meh I could eat...I guess" when it comes time for a meal. That's not to say I'm growing tired of being here, or the food (which is still beyond excellent), it's just that my hunger has changed. I think this is for the better as I'm not craving food 24/7 anymore like I was back home.

At 3pm it was time to go get jacked with An Hyo Sang. You know, the guy who's girlfriend told him he needed to become more muscular for her. Guess we know who wears the pants there. Anyways I'm happy as it gives me a workout partner. I'm able to teach him things in the gym, and in return I have someone to hold me accountable.

After working out we had about an hour before dinner. I hung out and watched my boy Alex stream on Twitch. That was nice because it's something I haven't had all that much chance to do as I'm so busy every day. He has a wonderful community of people that follow him and I enjoy being a part of it. Go check him out sometime if you get a chance.

Post dinner it was time to go monitor the K-PACE students at the rec center. This is a fun time. We get to watch the students workout and help them if they need anything. Some of them actually work out pretty hard. When we finished up at the rec center, we all walked back to the dorms together and started homework check, and rest time. Luckily I don't have any homework of my own to do tonight so I get to write my blog real quick and relax.

Oh! I almost forgot! I tried some Korean Gatorade today, and it was actually pretty good. I also know what I'm going to have for breakfast tomorrow...but that will have to wait! Join me tomorrow for a rundown of Saturday, its shaping up to be a good one!

Korean Word/Phrase of the Day: 주말 (Joo Mal) The weekend! Yay! If you want to ask your Korean friend what they're doing on the weekend you would say 주말에뭐해요? (Joo Mal Eh Mwuh Hae Yo?)

TL:DR I'm in Korea.

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