Friday, March 24, 2017

You Won't Believe What Just Happened to This Guy...(Clickbait Title)

Wow. Today proves that anything can happen. I was on my way back from the engineering college with the other RA's and the K-PACE students, and I got cat called by 2 Korean girls. Yeah...I know. What is this world coming to?! Also, is this what it feels like to be a woman? All in all it was pretty awesome. In fact, I've been called handsome more times in a week while being here than I have in my entire life in America. I think I might stay here.

Haha, what a day. In Korean class they toned it down a bit with the new concepts. We did some review, and just learned a few new things. However, the homework given was to memorize 40 verbs. Yeah, 40. Life is fun here. My gone brain is. Things? Stuff?

I love these students. While I'm writing my blog entries, they stop by the door to my room and always say "Hi". They speak as much as they can in English and then leave. There are a few regulars. One doesn't say anything, he just dances in front of my door. If he ever does come in he repeats the same song over and over "fantastic, fantastic, really fantastic". Haha, it cracks me up every time. Oh, I learned the verb for dance today. 춤추다 (Choom Choo Da) To dance. So now I can tell him Choom and dance with him.

Another student always comes to my door and tries to speak English, but all he ends up saying is "Hi" and when I say "Hi" back he says "Yes?" and I agree with him and he says "Ok Bye Bye". This happens time and again. I know soon I'll actually be able to have a real conversation with him. They're always so happy to see me. They always say "Hi". This is such a different world than I'm used to. Of course your regular friends and acquaintances always greet you, but most people tend to be filled with the grief of life instead of the joy God wants us to have. I really think being here is emptying my inner cup of grief and refilling it with the joy I once had. I hope that reading this blog can help spill over a shot or two of joy into your life as well.

Today our activity with the students was cooking class! I am absolutely horrific in the kitchen so I welcome this chance to witness some professionals in action. This was also the day that An Hyo Sang and I started our workouts! His girlfriend told him that she wants him to be a muscle man, so he asked if I'd help him out in the gym. I can tell who wears the pants in this relationship already. What a sweet guy. He wants to start with chest and triceps. All you guys out there know what's up, who can blame him? We get a good hour in and then head back to the dorm to clean up for cooking class!

This cooking class takes place in the engineering college, which is all the way across campus. For one of our students who has a severe walking disability, this can take almost 40 min. We left around 5pm for what I believe was a 6pm start, and the second group didn't get there until almost 6:30. The teachers 선생님 (Sun Saeng Nim) were extremely patient waiting for all the students to get there. We had the class in a food engineering room, and it was fascinating to watch her work. She diced up some onions, some green shallots(?), green peppers, and carrots, and cubed some ham. Her assistant worked on making rice in the rice cooker. There were also eggs that needed to be broken into a bowl and stirred.

The dish that the students made is called Omurice, and is a Japanese dish consisting of fried rice in egg. There is a certain presentation to this, the egg is cooked thin and placed inside a bowl to line it. then the bowl filled with cooked rice, carrots, onions, green pepper etc. The bowl is then flipped upside down onto a plate so the egg covers the rice in a bowl shape, and this is all topped off with ketchup. Here are some pictures so you get the idea.


An Hyo Sang sore from his workout with me cooking up a storm.

More Heavy G Action!

My group killin it! One of the students basically took charge and she made us into a super group.

Yesterday was a bit rough on food. I hadn't eaten since lunch at this point and I had just worked out with An Hyo Sang, I didn't want to eat the student's food either so I had to wait. In fact, we decided to go to the brand new Burger King on campus for lunch. Unfortunately it wasn't all that filling. Here's a picture of the menu to see if you'd like anything here.
Burger King Menu at Daegu University in South Korea.
They seem pretty bent on making the pineapple burger a thing. I'm not quite sure if that would fly in America. I know for sure it would start fights if it was on pizza, but hey, I give it a 5/7, 8/10 with rice. I hope someone out there gets any of those references. I ended up just having the four cheese burger, and while it was good and bigger than your typical Burger King burger it left me unsatisfied and a tad bit sad on the inside :(.

All in all, Thursday was a success and I'd do it again if I could. Here's some Korean to massage your brain.

Korean Word of the Day:먹다 Meok Da (To Eat) 마시다 Ma Si Da (To Drink)

TL:DR I'm in Korea.