Thursday, September 28, 2017

Dominoes Part 3

Our church has become a superficial one. Our Bible has become a list of things that make you a good person. Our Christians have become lame, and impotent. I feel that a LOT of this has to do with honesty.

I wondered as I took in the sermon on Sunday, how many people in this church (or any church for that matter) would honestly be able to put up their hands if I asked who had personal time with God everyday. I'm talking about real personal time getting to know Him.

Think about your best friend. How did they become your best friend? Did you just meet once and know? Then you never hung out again? Absolutely not. Of course some people fall for each other quicker than others in relationships, but the point is you HAVE to spend time with someone in order to grow a relationship with them. It's imperative, that's how humans work. (I remember an astounding fact from one of my psychology courses stating that if a man and a woman were stuck on a desert island together they would eventually fall in love with each other no matter what happened even despite attractiveness being extremely different). You grow attached to the people/things you spend time with. That's why your phone is YOUR phone, and no one else better touch it. It represents so much time and effort. People are the same way, and guess what? A relationship with God is no different.

Who spends enough time getting to know God each day? Who spends enough time building a relationship, and falling in love with Him? I know I don't. It's truly impossible if you think about how we SHOULD be. However, God so loves us that even a few minutes a day will reap incredible rewards.

Ok so how do we do that? Well by prayer of course silly head! You know, I've taken Jesus' advice lately and I've started closing the door to my room, and getting on my knees when I pray. Absolutely you can use a pillow if you have a hard floor, this isn't about sacrifice.

Right! So we got prayer! But...but...HOW do we pray? THIS IS SO VERY IMPORTANT I CAN'T EMPHASIZE IT ENOUGH. When's the last time you cried out to God? In anger? In frustration? In praise? In love? With any kind of emotion at all?! When's the last time you really let Him KNOW your heart? Let's put aside the fact for a second that God is omniscient. When you're in a relationship with someone, you HAVE to communicate in order to grow the relationship. If you never go deeper than niceties then what kind of relationship is that? That's a superficial relationship that WILL GO NOWHERE.

Therefore, what do we do? Well, luckily my church has been reading through Psalms lately, so we have had a chance to see King David's prayers in action. That's right, the Bible has blueprints for you. From the man who's heart is after God's own heart. "“After removing Saul, he made David their king. He testified concerning him: ‘I have found David son of Jesse a man after my own heart; he will do everything I want him to do.‘" (Acts 13:22) Yep, you read that can literally see what David prayed. ESPECIALLY in times of trouble.

Wasn't David like, this super awesome amazing superhuman dude who we could never hold a candle to? Nope. Sure he became king due to divine intervention, but God doesn't require perfection. He wants love, adoration, rightful praise, and above all else a relationship...WITH YOU.

King David was certainly a great king and believer, but he did some terrible stuff too. The key was, all the while, he TRUSTED and confided in God. His prayers are so deeply honest it's awesome to read. It's like a little child complaining to his father and wanting him to fix everything for him.

So what do you think? Do we follow the blueprint that's been laid in front of us by our current church? Sanitized prayer, and words without action? Or should we try to be more like king David, and in turn more like Christ? We should pray with complete and utter honesty. Asking for what we want from God. Giving Him His due praise. Building a relationship with Him. He WILL answer. He has for me, and He will for you too.

Keep in mind this will happen on His timeline, but be on the lookout for an answer to what you're asking for. It may not be the way you expect it to be, but if you truly desire His will, then it will workout better than you could have ever planned.

That's the thing guys. This is all a process right? Who's ready to just fall head over heels in love with God and rip open their chest in prayer everyday right after they learn about God? I would be willing to bet it's not many people. It takes quite awhile to process the incredible sacrifice that Jesus made in coming here for us.

That's why it's a relationship that you have to build. You need to spend time with Him everyday. Learning to open up and be honest. Letting Him change you. Little by little. Just like if you were a body builder. You don't pick up weights and you're automatically jacked. It takes time, and you need to work for it everyday.

If you truly want it, He will change you. That's what we should be desiring. God changing us into what He wants us to be. Men and women of God who are true disciples, and willing to do His will. It's a scary prospect to give up your own desires and goals in life. To let someone else steer the car of life. However, if you REALLY believe God is who He says He is, well then there's no better chauffeur.

One more after this! Almost there!

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