I think a lot of people enjoy saying they're a
Christian, and the false feeling of endorphins they get when they think
they are doing "good". I've had this talk with many people before, but
no one does good for others without getting something out of it
themselves. Even giving a few dollars to a homeless person on the
corner. What do you get out of it? I'll bet you feel like a good person
for the rest of the day. Maybe the rest of the week/month.
the truth is that we are not good, and will never be good. Can you
accept this fact? Jesus clearly makes it plain in Matthew when he talks
about the multitude of sins we commit in our hearts everyday that
weren't previously even thought of. What other sins are we constantly
committing if prior to this we weren't even considering internal
thoughts as sin?
Let me ask you this. Do you have to
teach a child to be selfish, or to share? Do you have to teach them how
to be mean, or how to say kind things to others? As much as we'd like to
think otherwise, we are all broken, sinful humans who succumb to the
temptations of the flesh. Accept this, and you will be changed!
changed into what? Some superhuman person who never does any wrong? The
pope? That'd be sweet right? Sorry guys, I got bad news for you. Even
the pope is a sinner. In fact everyone who has ever lived is a sinner,
except Jesus. You won't be transformed into a perfect person. In fact,
those who think entry to heaven is achieved through works are Pharisaic,
and dead wrong. You CANNOT and WILL NOT get to heaven by "doing good"
because the law says to do it, or even because the good guys in the
Bible did it.
Read what Jesus says about the Pharisees
and how they attempted perfection on the outside, but were full of
garbage on the inside. Bitter and self righteous because they "knew" and
did better than everyone else. What a horrific life! So unfulfilling!
Like someone who always follows the rules, never sneaks out to a party
at night. Never tries something they're not supposed to. As Paul says,
the law of humans is there for the unbelievers, not the righteous.
That's because we live by God's law.
Am I advocating
breaking the law? No, but the illustration needs to be made that the
motivation is the key. You need to be so overwhelmed by Jesus' sacrifice
on the cross for you, that you're moved to change. You clean the inside
first, and the outside becomes clean as a result. You realize that
Jesus loves you so much that you WANT to be different for Him. You stop
desiring what the world desires, and you realize that heavenly treasures
are what you want.
So now we're back to prayer and
honesty. When I started attending ODM my Korean church back in Chicago,
something changed in me. I didn't care what people thought about me
anymore. I was going to be honest. About everything in my life. Not
because I didn't care about people, but because I knew God would use my
struggles to help others with their walks.
Most people
are so afraid of ridicule and failure that they put up a facade of
having things together and their "social media" perfect life. What does
this lead to? A world full of people that don't want to be honest with
each other, and are therefore held at arms length from each other. Never
all struggling with the same types of things guys, and the only way we
can overcome that is to be open and honest with each other...and more
importantly, God.
This should be the easiest thing in
the world considering we already know that God knows everything about
us, including what's in our hearts. So what's stopping us from just
telling Him what He already knows? It takes time, but it's important to
start. If you truly have accepted Jesus as your Christ and Savior, then
it's time you gave Him your heart and honesty along with it. Allow Him
inside you, allow Him to change you.
The next part has
to do with who we pray to. Do we pray to Jesus or to God? Who gets the
glory? Does it matter? Aren't they the same? Well the trinity is
definitely a difficult subject, and even more difficult to wrap your
head around sometimes. Sometimes the best way to accept it is just
through faith and not logic. I had a conversation with a fellow
Christian about the trinity recently and they kept asking how Jesus
could be God, if Jesus was God's son?
What an
excellent question from a logical standpoint. The only real way to
explain this properly is to say that Jesus was always and is always with
God. However He is a separate part of God sent down to take our sins
away. The same way the Holy Spirit is God, yet a separate part. All
three of these parts obviously make up the trinity. I have not received
revelation regarding the trinity, so maybe someone else with more
learning than I will be able to explain better logically. That's my best
explanation along with the fact that we're not meant to understand a
lot of what God is or does. Just that we have faith that He is who He
says He is, and He does what He says He does.
So the
answer to the above question is that we pray to God the Father. We pray
to the Father THROUGH the Son. Jesus came as an intercessory so that we
could continue to have a relationship with the Father. Jesus became the
sacrifice so that we wouldn't need to slaughter any more lambs or bulls
or calves. Now we can still talk to God through prayer and have a
relationship with Him despite our wickedness. Jesus makes all this
possible. He is certainly worthy of praise, however we are to go to the
Father in prayer.
Why is this so important since
they're the same God? Well, as we see in the Bible, even Jesus prays to
God and calls Him the father. (I'm
linking this as an example of the passion of Christ's prayers, and how
we should pray as well. With emotion! Like a child to our father) If
that's not enough for you right there, think about the Old Testament.
Who made the covenant with the Jews? God the Father. Who made the
covenant with Abraham? God the Father. He is the pinnacle and the
ultimate creator. Of course this isn't to say Jesus or the Holy Spirit
is any less. The key here is not to get into semantics, but to realize
what our purpose is here, and accept that our relationship is to be with
the Father through the Son washing away our sins, and cleansing us.
let's talk about the church and her purpose. I say "Her" because as
Jesus said, he came to prepare her as a bride to be married to the groom
(God). Not sexually, but as a relationship. As I discussed before. THIS
we base our faith on, then you believe that God sent His Son, or part
of Himself down to earth to be murdered for us! Us! That sin everyday!
That lie and cheat and steal everyday! He did this knowingly and yet
still went down for us. THAT'S how much He loves us. Get over yourself
and start a relationship with the Father today. Close your bedroom door.
Get a pillow and get down on your knees and just open a conversation
with Him. You'd be surprised what comes out, and eventually what grows
in you.
A quick final thought on this subject. It's
very easy to be pulled into praying only for ourselves. (God give me
money and a good job etc, or even just good health, or save my aunt who
has cancer). But remember we are here to glorify Him. Ask Him to give
you those things so you can glorify Him through you! Remember Him when
He gives you what you ask for! Slowly but surely you too will be unable
to talk about anything else but your loving relationship with our God.
The creator of the universe. What a transformation for the church this
could be if even 10% of "Christians" were to do this. We would begin to
be worthy of being a bride for the one and true God.
always, thanks for reading! I'm sorry it was so long, but it was
necessary. I'm going to an intensive missionary meeting October 5th-7th
so pray for me. I'll let you know what goes on! Talk to you all soon.
Thanks so much Carl. I really got a lot from this and I'm looking forward to reading more from you.
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