Hello everyone! I finally got some time to post about the missionary meeting that I went to. This was called the '18th Multi-Ethnic Intensive Training', and was a pretty interesting experience overall. I've been pretty critical of Korea recently and I want to be positive because they do definitely deserve credit. I think it's just easier to pick out things you see when you're on the outside. Things stick out more.
So let me start out by saying that they absolutely know their stuff here. The presentation that was put together squeezes a TON of gospel knowledge into just a 3 day intensive training. Everyone received a binder with notes and charts demonstrating what amounted to a gospel system for use in evangelizing. Every single point was backed up with multiple Bible verses. As I said, it was all very impressive.
I went to a church about an hour and a half away from where I'm living called 하나교회 (Hana Gyohwae) or One Church with some guys from school here. This place is HUGE. Yet it's hidden in plain sight. Right off of one of the main roads, and maybe 100 yards from a major subway station. I wouldn't call it a mega-church, it's not that big...but it's surprisingly big for where it is.
The schedule was jam packed from the time we got there on Thursday around 5pm, until the time we left on Saturday around 5pm. I will post pictures of the schedule and binder lower in this post. The format was basically, an hour lecture, followed by an hour small group forum, followed by another hour lecture, followed by another forum, etc. Since we lived so far away also, we slept at the church with the other men who came. We were put in a room on the opposite side of the church from where the lectures were being held in what looked like a break room, and we slept on the floor.
I'm not complaining about the accommodations, just trying to give everyone an idea of what we did. There were more than enough blankets and pillows for everyone, and a bathroom that was easily accessible. They locked the doors at 10:30pm, and since the day ended at 10pm, we had a few minutes to run to the convenient store for a snack or two if we wanted before bedtime. There ended up being around 83 Koreans, and 26 foreigners who attended. I met people from China, Nepal, Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Ukraine, Russia, Spain, Philippines, Cambodia, and of course Korea. The two languages spoken were Korean, and English.
As the pastor spoke, there was a Korean woman who translated what he said into English. She worked so hard, what an awesome job she did. She was also the leader of my small group so I got to know her over the few days we were together, and that was nice. I also had some inspiration for a blog post while I was listening to the first lecture so I'll probably just fold that into this post wherever it fits. Actually here would probably be good.
As there were a good number of Africans at this meeting, (and me having never actually met an African person) I started thinking about how they had received the Gospel, and how it had evolved. I had many questions such as "How many people read the Gospel for the first time and think good deeds are the way to salvation?" I reasoned that the answer was probably not many. If you truly read the words of Jesus it's clear that believing in Him is the way to salvation. On the other hand though "How many people are fooled into thinking that way due to the current Christianity trends?" I would be willing to bet a lot of people. I can imagine a lot of the messages that come across on Sundays are akin to 'do good', and 'be good.
I started to ponder on what preachers preach on in the U.S. and asked myself if they drive home that Jesus preached on cleaning the inside of the cup first and therefore the outside will be clean? Or do they preach on deeds and the "symptoms" of being a Christian? I even drew a mini chart equating modern medicine with Christianity. A lot of these new pharmaceuticals you see treat one problem you may have, but give you 5 more issues. What's worse is that they don't even treat what is causing the problem, they just mask it. In the same way, I see the church going in the same direction. The general consensus is that there is a list of things to do, and that makes you a Christian. Obviously we have the 10 commandments, but as a modern society I feel that list has grown to include things like "Don't use profanity", and "Be a nice person", and "Don't drink" etc. Truly a lot if not all of these things could be completely fixed by reaching the root of the problem. A separation from God.
I then pondered what the message was in the other parts of the world? What do they focus on in Korea? Is global Christianity (one giant church where everyone agrees on the same things) a good thing, or a bad thing? What about cultural Christianity? Is cultural Christianity more effective? I.E. does it appeal to different cultural factors? For example would preaching about a more emotional side of the gospel be better for America, versus here in Korea where a more legalistic atmosphere is being shaped. I can't honestly remember everything I was thinking about when I wrote that down so I won't be able to be more clear than that, but I will get more into that topic later on anyway. Lastly, there are many different revelations from many different people all over the world. No one has the entire revelation, there are just pieces here and there from God, of course our belief in God would lend itself to trusting that He will reveal what needs to be revealed to people that will be most effective in their teaching.
So I mentioned briefly about the true root of the problem. Our separation from God. That was the main point of the initial lecture, and there is even a giant chart that this pastor has made about it. This chart details original sin, and attempts to show how our separation from God has created all the problems that we have in this day and age. Some examples are mental issues (ADHD, depression, etc), and also physical problems, but even societal issues as well. The answer obviously being Jesus and the re-implementation of the Gospel, and the resulting changes of heart because of it. As I said before, this was incredibly well thought out and supported through the Bible, and I think a great tool for any Christian to have this knowledge....I sense a but coming here...
BUT. Well, I started getting bored over the course of the few days. I found myself having difficulty concentrating (part of that was probably the diet...they fed us carbs and sugar for every meal). Most people were having trouble staying awake after each meal. Also, according to the pastor he goes to all of these other countries to train people and never thinks about the food, just his work teaching so we shouldn't worry about the food either, just focus on the gospel. I'm not sure what he was trying to get across here as many some of it was lost in translation, but it came off a bit pompous to me. Whatever, that's not all that important, though I would hope a guy who's doing all this work for God would be humble.
That wasn't my "but" actually, lol. I felt I had to give some background for what I'm going to say. I'm really starting to learn the lay of the land here in Korea. I've been told by multiple pastors that I should go back home to the U.S. to evangelize, and that I can be the "light" of America. Somehow by myself. I was thinking why they would be telling me that when it's clear there are issues here that need to be fixed, and I was under the impression that I was sent here by God to help this area.
However when you hear from multiple pastors that you should go back home, of course you're going to perk up your ears and wonder. So I prayed about it. I still don't completely have an answer, though I will admit at this point I wouldn't mind going home for awhile. I definitely had an easier lifestyle there haha, but God's will be done, not mine. Anyways I think I got my answer when this pastor started talking about how instead of Koreans going to evangelize the world, he wants to take the foreigners that come to Korea and train them, then send them back to their own countries to evangelize there. I mean logically there's nothing wrong with this. It saves money, and trains people to send out on missions. I just see a lot of things here that need fixing, and kept thinking that you need to remove the plank in your own eye so you can see clearly to remove the speck of sawdust from your brothers eye. I'm sure that could be flipped around and asked of me as well, but I'm doing my best to remove my own, and God is helping me.
I really have so much to say on this subject and I don't know if I honestly want to take the time to detail it all here. I was originally going to do a vlog post afterwards since I knew I had so much to say, but I couldn't coherently put my thoughts together so I thought typing it out would give me more time to think and be clear.
So. Lets get to the "but". This is the main underlying point of everything. I am seeing a very legalistic Christianity here. (Not that it isn't the same other places) However, it seems that Koreans feel the Gospel should be drilled into your head with logistics. This pastor has literally reduced the gospel to a "system" of charts and memorized Bible verses. He wants people to go out and evangelize with this. I ABSOLUTELY agree that we need to have knowledge from the scripture to back up our belief, but you don't just walk up to people with your handy charts ready to draw out and logically explain your belief in God. Our belief is simply not logical. That's why it's called faith. You have to be willing to believe that an all powerful God sent Himself (His Son) down here to be a man, to be killed by us sinners so that we would be saved. Like on the surface how crazy is that?
The bigger foul here in my opinion is that it robs the cross of its power. The cross is a completely life changing revolutionizing event, and truly what our entire religion stands upon. The fact that Jesus came here to die for you because he LOVED YOU that much. Not because you're a good person, no, none of us are that. In fact it was the "good people" of our society that ended up having Him killed. (The pharisees and temple priests etc). No He came in order that us sinners, that spit in His face every single day by continuing in our sin, would be saved. I don't know about you but I sin constantly and yet He still came for me. How many of us would die for our best friends sins, let alone the sins of people who hate us and are our enemies?
THAT'S how much He loves us, and I really feel that is being taken out of the equation here, and that's very dangerous. Now you may be saying to yourself, well what's wrong with having some backup for tough situations when cynical people ask you the inevitable "prove God exists" or some innocuous gotcha question that non-believers always seem to be trying to conjure up? Of course there's nothing wrong with that. I already said earlier we should be educated on our own faith, but our own testimony is the most weighty thing we can depart to another person. That reinforces the fact that LOVE is at the top of this totem pole. The one thing that matters, and keeps all of this together. It's so important in fact that Paul outlines this saying "
1 Though I command languages both human and angelic -- if I
speak without love, I am no more than a gong booming or a cymbal
2 And though I have the power of prophecy, to penetrate all mysteries and knowledge, and though I have all the
faith necessary to move mountains -- if I am without love, I am nothing.
3 Though I should give away to the poor all that I possess, and even give up my body to be burned -- if I am without love, it
will do me no
good whatever." (1 Corinthians 13:1-3)
So tell me. What are you? Are you out there banging the streets with your Bible telling others how they need to repent? Or are you sharing your own broken experiences to help others understand that Christianity isn't about being righteous. That's merely a bonus of having your life radically changed by Christ's sacrifice. No, it's about being open and honest, as a child is. Just like the Bible says. "The Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these." Little children.
What if this pastor wants to do both? A great question, and I would hope that is the case. It wasn't openly said in this meeting, but the vibe was definitely that this was the best way to evangelize people. In fact the pastor said multiple times that other nations didn't have the "real" gospel, because they didn't have it outlined and supported like this. That really set off alarms with me. What a strange thing to say. He gave a few examples that were true (I don't want to completely discredit him, he had a reason for saying it a few times) such as in Ethiopia they believe that children don't have sin, so when he went there and preached that they were shocked.
The insinuation otherwise was quite different. In fact the leader of my small group who is the main interpreter for the pastor told me straight to my face that this system was a better way of evangelizing than being open and honest with people talking about my own experiences supported with the Gospel. There was a lot of "Oh I used to do that, but now I..." sentences. As I said before, I really hope it's all a misunderstanding and we're all fighting for the same thing. The problem is the motivations are different. Legalistic Christianity produces more legalistic Christianity and that produces churches like we have now. One that want to throw money at problems instead of do something about them.
Think about it, what kind of believer would these charts win over? Someone who is more interested in the logistics of proving something in their mind and to others, over the belief of feeling God's love, and operating off of true trust in Him. Some of this stuff is pretty slight in how it's presented, but as I said the motivation for it is what matters. As the saying goes, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Putting God and His will first is the only way to truly achieve what He wants, for that comes out of the love and trust in Him. Those that feel His love will know how unconditional it is, and the more your own sins are forgiven, the more likely you are to forgive others which is exactly what Jesus commands. "
41“Two people owed money to a certain moneylender. One owed him five hundred denarii,
and the other fifty.
42Neither of them had the money to pay him back, so he forgave the debts of both. Now which of them will love him more?”" (Luke 7:41-42)
I even had a conversation with a close buddy about this recently on how much easier it is to forgive others, and even encourage them after they mess up when you realize and are honest with yourself and God about how broken you actually are. Instead of condemnation for your fellow broken believing brother, you offer words of encouragement and sympathy knowing that likely you'll be there again soon as well. This is why the embodiment of the Gospel and not a legalistic logical view is so important.
All of the foreigners had to go up and give a speech on what they had learned during the training. I didn't really feel like lecturing on anything in particular so I kinda of winged it. I asked the Holy Spirit to speak through me and I ended up settling on the topic of Jesus' ascendance back to heaven. (There are 4 parts of Jesus' sacrifice according to this pastor and ascendance is the third). Anyways, my main message was "Love" as I felt that this was completely missed during the entire thing. In fact as I spoke, I wrote only the word "Love" on the board in big capital letters. (All the other presenters had been trying to draw the charts they had learned). I really hope that this made an impression on the people listening. I had a few guys come up to me after and tell me they thought I did really well, and one guy even told me that what I said was really important for the exact reasons I've been stating. It's so easy for that main message to get lost when everything is focused on beating systems and charts into your head.
I think that's all the main stuff I wanted to talk about. I hate to be so critical, because I truly love the culture and people here, but God has transformed me into someone who is open and honest and doesn't care what people think about me anymore. I have to call it like I see it. I'm continually praying for the people here, and I hope that God will show me how I can make a difference for them.
I actually will have another post pretty soon, because there's been a lot going on in my mind lately so look for that! Here are the pictures I promised, plus a bonus picture of me presenting my "Love" presentation! Thanks guys!
Bonus Pic! Big Carl in action! |
Our Schedule |